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Fuel Injection Controller Rolling Wrench Beast Mode Bws / Zuma 50 (4T)


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Rolling Wrench

This Rolling Wrench Beast mode EFI fuel tuner is just what you need when it comes to tuning your factory equipped fuel injected Zuma. This plugs into your stock harness. It will allow you to change the air fuel ratio (AFR) with the push of a few button. That sure beats taking your carburetor out multiple times like the old days :-). This unit will work with all fuel injected Zuma’s, 50cc, 125cc, and big bore zuma’s or C3’s. It takes literally 5 min to install. Tuning is a breeze. No computer needed! This Beast Mode tuner can be used with a bone stock Zuma to unlock its hidden power (we recommend a wide band o2 sensor for tuning), or when installing a big bore kit, performance air filter, or even a exhaust system. When more air is coming into the motor more fuel is needed. This tuner does just that, adds more fuel or less fuel, depending on your desire. Tune the scooter with the push of a button. It doesn't get any easier than that! This unit tunes in 500rpm increments. From 500 rpm to 15k rpm. This tuner has a lot more functionality than most tuners on the market. Installs in under 5 minutes. Allows 2 full maps to be saved.Increase or decrease fuel (adjust AFR) at every 500 rpm increment. Plug and play, no cutting or splicing of any type. NOW WITH THIS TUNER YOU HAVE THE OPTION OF REMOVING THE REV LIMITER(WAAAAY BETTER TOP SPEED!). THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH 2018 and up YAMAHA ZUMA 125. 2016-2017 models Zuma 125's and Zuma 50f 2013-2020 have a different stator plug. To remove the rev limiter it will need to be wire spliced with the supplied connector.

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CAD$ 249.99